Our Vision

Our Vision is to be a people so taken with Jesus Christ that we rejoice in his love, walk in his ways, and carry his gospel to our community.

Our Values

Renewing Grace – In a world of broken lives, the gospel of grace brings about renewal and wholeness that glorifies God.

Reliant Prayer – In this world we are powerless to bring about gospel change by ourselves. To bring grace to people’s lives and care for our communities we must be a people who are dependent on the Lord in prayer.

Redemptive Community – In a world that is disconnected and constantly fragmenting, the gospel calls us to form deep, meaningful relationships in community.

Reformed Lifeview – We strive to be winsomely reformed, believing the Bible to be God’s authoritative Word, our rule for faith and living. We affirm the historic confessions of the Reformed faith as teaching the principles and truths of the Bible and expressing the gospel of grace.

Relentless Mission – In a world of self-absorption, the gospel of grace propels us out of ourselves to love and serve other people.About

our mission

Our mission is to make disciples of all ages, who in heart and hand, live like Jesus in all areas of life.

We accomplish this by….

  • Developing spiritually-reproducing Christians through missional discipleship.

  • Befriending, hosting and praying for the unchurched.

  • Engaging the lost and the unchurched with the good news of Jesus through thoughtful questions, listening ears and seasoned words.

  • Encouraging new folks to love Christ and his church and pursue meaningful membership.